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Smart Finance scripts Percuma

SMART FINANCE scripts allow recording and saving income and expenses in Bitrix24 deals . You can also calculate the balance and expenses spent on the deal. In addition, it shows the deal's MARGIN.

Knowledge Base | HiHub Mobile Percuma

The solution allows to store articles, similar to Wiki. You can add articles with dividing it to sections.

CRM for an advertising agency Percuma

Don't know how to start setting up Bitrix24 in your advertising agency? Start by installing a ready-to-use solution for advertising agencies

Smart Deal Scripts for Sales Department Percuma

Send SMS to a group of customers, notify employees and add observers to a batch of deals.

Smart Lead Scripts for Sales Department Percuma

Send SMS to a group of customers, notify employees and add observers to a batch of leads.

LeadMaster Percuma

Accelerate your CRM setup with LeadMaster, featuring streamlined automation for all lead stages in Bitrix24, boosting sales efficiency and productivity. Our ready-to-deploy CRM configurations allow for rapid implementation and optimization, saving valuable time and effort for busy business owners.

Onboarding&offboarding Percuma

Automated HR onboarding and offboarding processes

Routes in Google Maps - Scripts Percuma

The smart script "Routes in Google Maps" allows you to create a route for two addresses in Google Maps in Bitrix24 deals. Set tasks for employees with a built route.

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