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MailChimp Exporter Percuma

Export leads, contacts, companies, and deals from Bitrix24 CRM to MailChimp lists(audience) effortlessly with the MailChimp Exporter app. The app works on any Bitrix24 version and on free or commercial MailChimp subscription.

Google Analytics integration Percuma

B242GA allows you to take advantage of the Google Analytics capabilities in analyzing Bitrix24 transactions and leads.

LeadsBridge Percuma

LeadsBridge is a workflow automation platform to automate your repetitive marketing tasks connecting your Bitrix24 account with Facebook Ads and your favorite marketing tools.

Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel integrations Percuma

Integrate Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics offline conversion to optimise your ads

Satu / Prom / Deal: orders and statuses integration Percuma

Orders and statuses and marketplace integration

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Bantu pengguna Bitrix24 lain dan peroleh wang!