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bi-analytics sales deals leads reports sales intelligence google fields external documents import

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Deal analytics summary Percuma

Analyze deal data for the required time period. Identify the most efficient customer handling scenarios as well as tight spots that may need improvement.

Leads Percuma

Leads as Google Looker Studio data source

Deals Percuma

Deals as PowerBI data source

Basic report on leads Percuma

Analysis by status, conversion by source, responsible employee and and utm-tags

Deals Percuma

Deals as Google Looker Studio data source

[EQ] Google Sheet Percuma

- Move data from a spreadsheet to CRM - Move data from CRM to a spreadsheet

Bitrix24 Analytics Percuma

Bitrix24 Enhanced Reports for CRM and Tasks, SQL export.

Data Connector Percuma

Data Connector is a professional solution for BI analytics integration.

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