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New Bitrix24 Introduction Webinar

Vlad Kovalskiy
November 8, 2022
Last updated: November 8, 2022
If you are looking to learn more about Bitrix24 and how it can help your business, this new Introduction to Bitrix24 webinar is for you.

This webinar introduces you to Bitrix24 ecosystem and the essential tools that it offers.

Take a look at how to create collaborative projects, set tasks by templates or by the Scrum method.  Learn how to schedule meetings in your calendar and make video conferences.

Navigate to Bitrix24 CRM - all-in-one system that stores customer data and the entire communication history, including SMS and calls. Win deals and analyze performance with Bitrix24.BI-Analytics. Set up automation rules to keep your business running regardless of holidays and weekends.

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