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Important Pricing Updates after August 1, 2022

Vlad Kovalskiy
July 1, 2022
Last updated: July 29, 2022
Dear Bitrix24 clients!

There are important updates coming to Bitrix24 cloud subscriptions on August 1, 2022.

First, we are happy to introduce a new lineup of the Bitrix24 Enterprise cloud plans. This plan is designed for 2 categories of our clients:
- Bitrix24 clients with over 100 users who have additional requirements for scalability and user management
- Bitrix24 clients with fewer than 100 users who have extra requirements for performance, processing, and data analysis. 

Here’s what the new Bitrix24 cloud plans lineup is going to look like after August 1:

Bitrix24 Cloud Plan Pricing Billed Annually 

We are also forced to make price adjustments due to high inflationary pressures and the fact that Bitrix24 prices have stayed the same for the past ten years. The prices are going to increase by 25%.

The low monthly prices of $49/mo, $99/mo and $199/mo are going to be reserved only for clients who opt for a 12-month subscription and billed annually. Those who prefer monthly billing will need to pay 25% more after August 1, 2022.

Prices for the archived Bitrix24 cloud plans will also increase after August 1, 2022. 

You WILL be affected by the price increase during the next billing cycle after August 1, 2022. To save 25%, you need to purchase an annual subscription before August 1, 2022 directly or from your local Bitrix24 partner.

Thank you,
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