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Cron Calendar Alternatives, main Calendar App Features

Vlad Kovalskiy
September 27, 2024
Last updated: September 27, 2024

We can all agree that having a reliable calendar app with wide functionality is essential for success in the professional world these days. Calendar apps, after all, are useful for a wide range of purposes. They help us take notes, keep track of all our appointments throughout the week, and stay productive.

They are much more than just a project management tool. They are ways to keep us organized and on the ball with our daily tasks without losing ourselves in deep work and dates.

Unfortunately, many people are not aware of the wide range of other calendar apps out there these days. Cron Calendar, which is part of Norton, is the primary app that many people are familiar with.

However, its functions are limited. In the sections below, we will provide an overview of 10 Cron alternatives that provide a wider range of task management functions.

What to look for in Cron calendar Alternatives?

The first question to consider is, what do you want in a calendar app? Are you even familiar with what functionality that they might offer? Let’s take a look at some of the main features that you should be looking for in calendar apps before we discuss brands.

Customization of personalized booking pages

These days, customization is the name of the game for pretty much everything you do in your professional life, including the mobile calendar. People are no longer expected to use off-the-shelf, standardized software and apps. And everyone’s schedule is different, of course.

Some people prefer to look at their schedule only a week ahead when they open their calendar. Others might like to see things on a single task basis according to different teams and project tasks to keep productivity levels. At the same time, some people might like to simply see individual days.

Weeks might start on different days, as well, depending on the part of the world you live in and the travel time percentage at work. Everyone is unique. You should have the flexibility to apply your uniqueness to your chosen calendar.

Integrations with other project management tools

One major limitation of primitive calendars and productivity apps is the lack of integration availability. This makes staying productive particularly challenging because you can’t sync your deadlines and meetings with the tasks that you need to complete.

A quality calendar can be integrated with project management software, spreadsheets, and whatever other essential tools you use in the course of your daily work. And you should look for a calendar that allows for real-time syncing, as well. Real-time syncing allows you to stay fully up-to-date on deadlines, add tasks, change parameters, and anything else that might affect your project details.

Cross-device calendar app synchronization

When you work according to a calendar, you don’t want to be limited to just one device. Mobile interfaces are often sorely out of sync with PCs. So, you should look for an app that gets high marks for cross-device compatibility.

Check if the calendar app is compatible with all your iOS and Android systems, as well as from mobile iOS to another desktop type if this is what you use.

One of the particular issues that tends to occur is that bugs get in the system and cause systems to crash. Look for an app that gets high points for performance for both iOS and Android.

Calendar app user friendliness

You might be a tech wizz who wants a super sophisticated interface. Many people aren’t, though. For this reason, it is good to have calendar options that offer a user-friendly interface, have a beautiful design, and are straightforward in the way they operate.

Your job is difficult enough as it is. You don’t need a calendar that just ends up complicating things further.

Working with teams

In addition to the capacity to integrate with other programs, you should look for a calendar that allows you to work with an entire team as well as different teams. This can be critical for group projects and making sure that everyone is on the same page.

If you find the right program, it will allow for a range of viewing options, including viewing your own calendar and any number of others that you choose at the same time. It is important to view the stages of project completion, make meeting notes, schedule meetings, see out-of-office times, and learn about many other aspects of your work.

Best alternatives to Cron

Now that you know what to look for, let’s take a look at the leading Cron calendar alternatives that are currently on the market.

1. Bitrix24

Bitrix24 is clearly the leading product on the market this year and one of the best Cron calendar alternatives. Bitrix24 offers everything that you could want in a calendar, including:

  • Calendar can be easily accessed by all your teams;

  • Task management;

  • AI-assistant;

  • User-friendly interface to manage and book meetings;

  • Multiple-projects diversifications;

  • Monitor productivity of your teams

Group calendars

As mentioned above, having group calendar capability is crucial for teams to work effectively together, coordinate projects, and assess progress in an accurate and timely manner. Bitrix24 has all the group calendar tools that you could want.

CRM integration

If you really want to be on the ball, you will get a calendar that integrates seamlessly with your CRM. After all, your work is not only about your own personal activities, but also those of your clients. The ability to integrate your CRM into your calendar will help you keep everything together on one page.

Favorite calendar

It is also helpful to have one feature that acts as your “favorite” calendar. Others might be secondary, but to have one that includes your most important information on it will help you keep everything in perspective.

Absence chart

You need to know when people are and are not available to effectively plan your work. Bitrix24 provides a handy absence chart with a time blocking feature that will help you stay on top of this.

Meeting scheduling

You can also integrate your meetings schedule into your larger calendar, but it is a great idea to also be able to separate it. This way, you can step back and assess the frequency and themes of your meetings and briefings, and move them around if necessary.

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2. Google Calendar

Google Calendar is the most obvious Cron alternative choice as many PCs and mobile devices come equipped with it automatically. It is also free.

Great for Google users to schedule meetings

If you use Google for your email and other aspects of your work life, it will be natural to use the Google calendar, as well. You won’t have to worry about integration or compatibility. At the same time, Google Meet is one of the greatest platforms to hold a team meeting. You can send scheduling links to the invitees and save time on going back and forth with the email.

Easy management and reminder system

For basic project management tools and meeting scheduling, Google offers a solid option. It doesn’t get super sophisticated, but you can create and manage usual schedules easily and set reminders.

Compatibility with social media

Google also gets points for being compatible with social media and websites.

3. Click up

This app is one of the calendar alternatives that is powered through AI and allows for easy integration with other software types.


One notable feature is drag-and-drop ability, which allows users to organize their tasks easily and change things when they need to without difficulty.

Multiple calendars

You can also view multiple calendars simultaneously, tag team members, create checklists, and create threads that run through different matrices as you wish. And because the app is powered by AI, it has smart features that can help predict things for you.

Clear visibility

The app’s color-coated features make for clear visibility of tasks, users, focus time and whatever other parameters you choose to focus on. You can also customize them to suit your and your team’s personal preferences.

Built-in assistant

The app provides a virtual AI assistant that helps with writing, project management, and other tasks. It can provide summaries, give progress updates, and create reports for you easily.

Pricing varies from free to $12 per month for business-level usage and custom pricing for enterprise subscriptions.

4. Calendly

If you are an individual, freelancer, or work with just a small group, this might be a good Cron alternative option for you. The app is not as sophisticated as some, but it provides useful features that help individuals with organizing and planning.

Schedule sharing

You can share your schedule with any number of team members or clients through a convenient link. You can also create automatic reminders, customized calendar events, organize meetings, etc according to your personal preferences.


Calendly is convenient because it connects to Outlook, Google Calendar, and other apps seamlessly. So even if you have a variety of users you can integrate the program.

You can also integrate with your CRM.

Pricing varies from $0 to $15 per month per user.

5. Outlook

Outlook is one of the good Cron calendar alternatives as well. It's provided free-of-charge for people who use Office 365, although you must purchase this if you want to use Outlook’s calendar. If this is the system that your team uses and your needs are relatively simple, this could be a good option for you.

Complete package together

One of the nice features of Outlook is that you can combine your calendar with your email, integrate your contacts, daily tasks, etc all on the platform.

Group schedules

If your whole team has Outlook, you can view different people’s schedules variously or together, as you wish. And you can invite people to meetings using the Outlook scheduling tool.

6. Fantastical

This is a great cron alternative for someone used to one particular ecosystem. If you are looking for extreme user-friendliness and are a Mac user, this could be the iOS app for you.


The app provides a handy autocomplete feature that not only helps you define tasks, but which automatically fills scheduling slots and task listings for you.

Integration with other platforms

Although it is designed for Mac users, you can integrate your information with Google or other platforms with ease.

Pricing starts at $4.75 per month.

7. Morgen

Morgen is one of the functional Cron calendar alternatives . It is an all-around tool that integrates most of the calendar functions you would want into a convenient platform.

Consolidated system

If you have different task managers, scheduling tools, or even diverse calendars that you have to juggle, the app will fit them all together seamlessly. And there is cross-platform compatibility, as well.

Personalized pages

If you want to create different pages with different customization, you can do this too. And you can create “open invites” that can be sent internally or externally, as you wish.

Everything is clearly laid out for you within the parameters of the app.

Morgen offers a free version and a paid version for $15 a year.

8. Rise calendar

If you are a manager and need a solid way of keeping various teams' needs organized, the Rise calendar could be a good Cron alternative for you. Although it is not compatible with all platforms, like Apple Calendar, this Windows-based app can be good for PC users.

Integrated platform

The app allows you to create and modify tasks with ease. You can create reminders and deadlines for different staff members or whole teams, and events that fit into project timelines. You can also highlight different levels of importance for tasks.

Block out time

If you want to create clear time periods for focused work and not be interrupted, the app’s block out feature will let you do this.

Pricing is customized.

9. Timetree

If you are running a community-based program, this could be your app.

Communication features

If you work with diverse teams and need to communicate information frequently and clearly, this app can help you. Color-coated categorization makes compartmentalizing easy.

Website integration capability

If you are creating a community website, the app allows for easy integration. This will help keep everyone informed of changes and updates in a timely manner.

Timetree has a free version and a slightly more sophisticated version for $4.99 per month.

10. Moleskin Timepage

If you are an individual and looking for cron calendar alternative you can personalize for your own usage, this could be for you.

Pleasing designs

The app allows for a wide range of color and design choices. You can combine your calendar with contacts, maps, and other features as you wish. You can even create your own categories to add into the scheme.

Plan for the weather!

You can even plan according to the weather forecast, making contingency plans that depend on sunny days.

Moleskin offers a $2.49 monthly subscription or a $14.99 yearly subscription.

Conclusion - best Cron alternatives on the market

Busy professionals need solid planning tools. If you’re looking for a solid, reliable Cron calendar alternative, there are plenty of options on the market these days. Depending on your priorities, you should be able to find a calendar that lets you organize your tasks, events, and staffing priorities as you wish. Pricing among leading products varies from free to low monthly payments.

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