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9 HR Automation Trends Reshaping Workplaces in 2024 (or the years to come)

Vlad Kovalskiy
October 23, 2024
Last updated: October 24, 2024

HR process automation has been transforming the workplace in recent years by streamlining routine tasks, improving efficiency, and enhancing employee experiences.

New technologies like AI, predictive analytics, and robotic process automation (RPA) are raising the bar even higher. They have shaken up how HR teams operate and replaced an ever-increasing list of time-consuming tasks with algorithms that can do the job in seconds.

That’s great news for overburdened HR departments, but it’s not time to celebrate just yet. Sure, it’s a competitive advantage — as long as you’re using HR automation trends better than your rivals. But from automated recruitment and onboarding to personalized learning paths and chatbot-driven support, there is a lot to learn.

Luckily, this article is the best place to start. We’re going to look at nine key HR automation trends that are saving teams time and money while providing a much-improved employee experience.

1. AI-powered recruitment that speeds up screening and lands you the ideal employee

It’s so easy to feel lost when hiring a new recruit. Have you sifted through enough resumes? Did you miss any excellent applications that one afternoon you were feeling tired? HR process automation is going from strength to strength in recruitment, and if you’re not already using it, you probably should be.

The first workflow optimization comes in the form of automatic resume screening, which digests a huge amount of candidates and ranks them based on criteria you’ve previously defined. It’s nothing too complicated, usually just looking out for keywords, experience, and qualifications that fit your requirements, but the speed and accuracy are incredible.

Beyond screening, applicant tracking systems (ATS) organize your candidates, ranking shortlists and providing insights on the best fit. Newer tech can even predict a candidate’s potential for success based on past performance metrics.

The result is that hiring teams complete the process far quicker and end up with a higher quality of hire. Instead of spending time on the error-prone process of manually checking resumes, you can invest more time in top candidates. What’s more, machine screening helps to reduce unconscious biases which is a major competitive advantage for your team.

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2. Automated onboarding that personalizes the journey for every new hire

Once you’ve secured your new hire, automated onboarding systems get them integrated and up to speed with efficiencies that manual processes could only dream of. What was once a one-size-fits-all process that spent a lot of time sharing often irrelevant information with employees is not a laser-focused process adapted for every individual.

Automated onboarding systems start with customized workflows for new hires, where you can choose exactly which modules each employee needs to learn. These could include company-wide values, departmental workflows, or best practices for their role. Tasks are assigned both to new hires and their managers, automatically sending reminders and updates to keep everyone on track.

Digital checklists map out the pathway for each individual, adding clarity and structure, while automated document sending, signing, and return give them all the right resources from day one. There are three winners with automated onboarding: The new recruit, their manager, and the HR team. All three benefit from a significantly reduced administrative load due to HR process automation and hit the ground running after the hiring process.

3. Self-service portals that empower employees and reduce time spent on simple admin

Employee self-service portals are transforming how HR departments operate by shifting routine tasks from HR staff to employees, making a more efficient and engaging workplace. Simple tasks such as updating contact details and requesting time off have historically been enormous time sinks for HR teams, so putting them in the hands of your employees frees you up for more strategic work.

The benefits of automating HR processes aren’t just in terms of productivity. These systems are better for the employee experience too. Giving individuals the autonomy to change their own data creates a culture of transparency and trust, as well as reducing the frustration caused by HR backlogs.

For example, when requesting time off for vacations, nobody wants the price of their flights to jump up in the time it takes their request to reach human resources. Now, workers can put in a request and get it reviewed and signed off in a fraction of the time.

4. Time and attendance tracking that eliminates errors and supports flexible schedules

Although it’s been around for quite a while now, one of the best HR automation tools for this year is tried-and-tested time and attendance tracking. Why go anywhere near the inefficient and error-prone manual timesheets if you can get algorithms to manage employee work hours accurately and in line with compliance?

HR process automation in time management uses digital tools to track employee attendance, clock-in and clock-out times, breaks, and overtime. This links up to biometric devices, mobile apps, or web platforms to give staff a range of options, which works especially well for remote or hybrid working formats.

If your team spans different time zones, each individual can log their own hours with all data flowing into a centralized database for analysis. This way, you can monitor attendance and identify absenteeism or lateness, as well as accurately pay people for the hours they’ve worked. Convert the same data into reports on overtime and leave to provide a clear trail in case of disputes or compliance checks when auditors come knocking.

5. Predictive HR analytics that streamlines your workforce planning

Analyzing past data is nothing new, but using the same data to make accurate forecasts for the future is among the best HR automation tools. HR data analytics covers everything from workforce trends and potential skill gaps to talent shortages and retention strategies so you can stick closer to your long-term goals.

As a case in point, organizations can predict staffing requirements for peak periods through smart analysis of historical data combined with market insights to predict how busy you’ll be. These algorithms can also remove the guesswork of employee turnover by analyzing patterns and providing ideas that drive targeted retention strategies. The result is a more stable, engaged workforce that can prepare for good times and bad well in advance.

HR data analytics also draws on similar elements as HR process automation in recruitment to identify high-potential employees and map out their career paths. This helps companies get the right talent in place for future leadership needs, rather than making shorter-term external decisions that may take longer to adapt.

In short, predictive HR analytics allow businesses to stay agile and proactive, as opposed to sluggish and reactive. In such rapidly changing markets, analytics are a massive competitive advantage.

6. HR chatbots that handle common HR queries and reduce busy work for your team

If you have customer service chatbots up and running to solve issues for users, you already know how to implement HR automation chatbots that provide answers to your employees. Instead of your team fielding repetitive questions about leave requests, policy, benefits, and training, AI-powered chatbots will automate responses so you can focus on strategic initiatives.

Using natural language processing (NLP), these chatbots can go beyond preset answers. Load an AI assistant with all your company documents and it can engage in human-like conversation to reach the core of each request. The best employee self-service portals will also assist with more complex tasks, such as scheduling interviews, reminding employees of upcoming deadlines, and setting a series of tasks in motion.

Clearly, the main advantage of chatbots using HR process automation is the immediate response time that busy employees can’t always promise. In addition, they can also handle numerous queries simultaneously, which is perfect for teams looking to scale up without a drop in service.

7. Automated feedback systems that track progress fairly and quickly

Feedback is the best way to boost individual and team performance, but not when it occupies all the valuable time that could be spent making improvements. Traditional performance reviews would often be time-consuming, subjective, and prone to bias. However, HR process automation gives you a continuous, data-driven service that is more transparent, fair, and conducive to overall employee development.

An automated system gathers accurate performance data from multiple sources, such as project success, sales numbers, and customer feedback, for a well-rounded view of an employee’s contributions. But even more than that, it removes any bias that all managers have despite their best intentions.

Automated feedback systems have two of the top benefits of automating HR processes — saving time and improving efficacy. Manual review of individual data and identifying next steps for personal development is replaced with workflow optimizations that create a customized learning pathway based on the available data. This provides maximum support to staff without requiring endless hours of managers drawing up plans.

8. AI learning management systems (LMS) that target learning pathways for each employee

Learning management systems are the cornerstone of a more efficient and engaging workplace. The same materials delivered through the onboarding process come from a much wider knowledge base that workers can dip into when they need a refresher or extra training for professional development.

Aside from getting to the desired outcomes faster, this incarnation of HR process automation helps to keep employees far more engaged than through a generic learning path. AI LMS platforms look at data like employee performance, role requirements, and learning preferences, to build customized training plans. Based on that, they recommend the most relevant courses or modules, accelerating learning and improving retention.

Even better, AI learning paths can adapt in real-time to double down on weak areas or suggest more advanced topics if the material is too straightforward. And if there’s a high level of drop-off, you can lean on videos, quizzes, and interactive simulations for a more engaging employee experience.

9. Robotic process automation (RPA) that makes life easier for you and your team

Robotic HR process automation covers a huge amount of repetitive, time-consuming tasks and saves you a chunk of time and cash that can be better spent on growing your business. It essentially uses a bunch of software bots to implement rule-based tasks such as payroll processing, benefits administration, and data entry much faster and with much greater accuracy.

To take payroll as an example, RPA bots run all the calculations, data entry, tax deductions, and compliance checks on your behalf. Not only does this relieve the burden of a tedious process, but it also ensures employees are paid accurately and on time.

These bots also collect and collate data from all kinds of business tools, automatically fetching task time, employee workloads, busy time on calendars, and so much more to prevent miscommunications and take advantage of opportunities. Natively integrated systems pave the way for RPA to be at its best, which makes for more efficient HR processes and smoother-running businesses.

Bitrix24: The all-in-one platform for super-efficient HR process automation

Knowing the latest HR automation trends and which HR processes to automate is one thing, but mastering the implementation of HR automation is quite another.

With natively integrated HR tools, CRM, project management, customer service, and much more, Bitrix24 comes fully equipped with RPA, workflow optimization, employee self-service portals, and more.

So, if you want to reap the benefits of automating HR processes, sign up for Bitrix24 today.

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What HR processes can be effectively automated?

You can effectively automate HR processes including:

  • Recruitment and candidate screening

  • Onboarding

  • Time and attendance tracking

  • Payroll processing

  • Performance management

  • Employee self-service tasks

  • Benefits administration

  • Compliance reporting

All of these processes reduce manual effort, boost accuracy, and streamline workflows so you can focus on strategic activities.

How does HR automation improve the employee experience?

HR automation improves the employee experience by providing faster responses to queries, seamless onboarding, easy access to self-service portals, and personalized learning paths. It reduces administrative burdens, minimizes errors, and smoothens communication so employees feel more empowered, engaged, and satisfied in their roles.

What are the cost savings associated with HR automation?

Cost savings associated with HR automation are achieved by minimizing manual tasks, lowering error rates, and decreasing the need for extensive administrative staffing. Automating processes like payroll, data entry, and compliance management cuts operational expenses and time, which allows HR teams to operate far more efficiently and effectively.

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