Blog All-New Bitrix24 Chat: AI-Powered and Mobile Chat M1

All-New Bitrix24 Chat: AI-Powered and Mobile Chat M1

Vlad Kovalskiy
1 min
Updated: January 23, 2024
Vlad Kovalskiy
Updated: January 23, 2024
All-New Bitrix24 Chat: AI-Powered and Mobile Chat M1

We are thrilled to unveil the completely updated Bitrix24 chat, now equipped with powerful AI capabilities and the brand-new mobile chat M1. This exciting release brings a host of innovative features and enhancements to revolutionize your communication and collaboration experience.

  • All-in-One Communication: private and group chats, video calls, and important notifications.

  • Unified Workspace: tasks, appointments, and calls inside chats and calendar events forms.

  • Secure and Exclusive: dialogs between company employees, no random people. Fired users lose access to Bitrix24. 

  • Team Building: share emotions with reactions in chats.

  • Focused Collaboration: minimize distractions from non-work chats.

  • Spam-Free Environment: unauthorized users will not be able to access Bitrix24 and send spam.

  • Instant Call Alerts: hear incoming calls, no missed opportunities.

  • Effortless Retrieval: easily find dialogs, files, and call recordings in Bitrix24.

  • New Bitrix24 Mobile Chat M1: significant improvements to the chat interface, navigation, and overall speed of the app.

  • CoPilot, our AI-powered chatbot: designed to assist you in answering questions and tackling various tasks. 

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