Free task management software

Create more, waste less with Bitrix24

  • Profit
  • Ideas
  • Emotions
  • Sense
Bitrix24 Bitrix24
  • Time & Efforts
  • Values
  • Money
  • Knowledge

Create more. Waste less

Create more profit

Turn every project you start into gold. The sheer number of project management tools available inside Bitrix24 allows you to carefully plan and execute every action, maximizing your profit.

#Tasks & projects, #Sub-tasks & checklists, #Autofocus mode, #Task efficiency & KPIs,
#Kanban board, #Gantt chart, #Chats, #Online meetings, #CRM integration
Bitrix24 Bitrix24

Waste less time & efforts

Automate every routine, multi-stage process to achieve the ultimate efficiency and free up more time for strategic planning and development.

#Task templates, #Recurring tasks, #Tasks automation,
#Workflow automation, #Business process designer, #Supervising mode

Create more ideas

Go from an idea to a project in less than 5 minutes. Set up a quick online meeting, discuss it with your team, finalize the results in a meeting brief, and start assigning tasks right away.

#Chats & online meetings, #Discussions and comments, #Extranet collaboration,
#Secure storage, #24/7 access from any device
Bitrix24 Bitrix24

Waste less values

Every value you create for the client is priceless: whether it's the ability for them to oversee the project as external users or collaborate on vital documentation.

#Tasks linked to deals and leads in CRM, #Autofocus mode, #Collaborative document editing,
#Extranet users, #Online meetings/chats with external users, #File sharing, #Scrum

Create more emotions

True inspiration can't be forced - it only appears as a result of a friendly, collaborative environment. Bitrix24 helps you to bring out the best in every member of your team.

#Likes, emojis, GIFs #Chats & video calls, #Personalization,
#Efficiency, #Custom backgrounds, #Company feed

Waste less money

Replace all your current SaaS solutions with a single, free tool that has everything you need to manage projects, files, employees, sales, and clients.

#Time tracker, #Supervising mode, #Reports,
#Replace a multitude of services and apps with free Bitrix24

Create more sense

Get a clear picture of what's going on inside every project or task you're participating in. All the data that you need to track work efficiency and project results is right here at your fingertips.

#Tasks automation, #Task & project templates, #Task permission settings,
#Instant notifications, #Work reports, #Time tracking, #Integration with Power BI and Google Analytics

Waste less knowledge

In Bitrix24, every good idea can be easily shared and discussed with the rest of the team. Use our knowledge base to keep instructions, FAQs, articles, and other useful materials.

#Project knowledge base, #Secure file storage, #Chats and comments,
#Quick search, #Task delegation

Integrated with all your favorite tools


Trusted by over 15,000,000 teams worldwide
