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Billable Hours For Tasks Free

No more endless hours spent on creating reports and issuing invoices - now a single app can calculate all the labor costs (time and expenses) for a project.

Hourly payroll calculator Free

Now you can create timesheets for any employee. Timesheets contain detailed reports on working hours spent by employees.

Project Expenses Free

"Project Expenses" helps project managers associate project Tasks with project expenses and categories.

IQ.Timer Free

Work time management

IQ.planner – Time master and task planning with employee availability management Free

Efficiently manage your time and improve task planning skills with IQ.planner Comprehensive PlanningIQ.planner allows for central management of all aspects of your work. Whether you need to schedule an important meeting, project task or phone call, the application enables you to gather everything in one intuitive place with the option to choose a view that suits you:  - Kanban - Calendar - Gantt (coming soon)

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